Increase your conversion rate with our new shopping cart
Last month we launched our new shopping cart. Our goal was to make the buyer experience as easy, quick and reassuring as possible. But did we succeed? Yes! After a month of SendOwl sellers using the new checkout, we're delighted to announce a platform-wide increase in conversion rates of 6% for card payments and 12% for PayPal conversions.
Last month we launched our new shopping cart. Our goal was to make the buyer experience as easy, quick and reassuring as possible. But did we succeed? Yes! After a month of SendOwl sellers using the new checkout, we're delighted to announce a platform-wide increase in conversion rates of 6% for card payments and 12% for PayPal conversions.
Why did we launch a new shopping cart?
Plenty of conversion studies have shown that the less clicks during checkout there are, the higher your conversion rate will be. A recent YouEye survey concluded "Minimise the opportunities your customer has to say no: every stop in the checkout process is another chance for abandonment".
Bearing this is mind, we decided to make the SendOwl buyer experience as streamlined as possible. Your customer now only sees the information that really matters: the name of the product they are buying, the quantity and the total price (and whole numbers won't show unnecessary units). They then only need to provide an email, card number, expiry date and cvc to buy a product from your site.
Improve your conversion rate with our new shopping cart
After a month of SendOwl seller using the new cart, we're delighted to announce a site-wide increase in conversion rates of 6% for card payments (Stripe or Authorize.net) and 12% for PayPal conversions.
Host the shopping cart on your own website
You can now checkout everything on your own website, rather than just the cart, meaning that the buyer experience is as seamless as possible. Although we don't have stats on this feature yet to be statistically sound, we've seen a positive trend so far. SendOwl seller Andy Smith writes:
SendOwl seller Susie Romans is also pretty enthusiastic:
If you've already been using the cart instead of Instant Buy you'll be able to checkout on your own website without making any changes. If you've been using Instant Buy you'll need to add this Javascript code to your page:
<script type="text/javascript" src="https://transactions.sendowl.com/assets/sendowl.js"></script>
Thanks for all the positive feedback on the new cart. It makes all the hard work worthwhile!

Paul Tomes is a highly experienced leader with a special talent for understanding both the product and the customer. Throughout his career, Paul has been a key player in successful startups and has also transformed the product and support experience for organizations with over 100,000 existing customers. His passion for enhancing the user experience has taken it to new heights. By making the product user-friendly and providing timely and relevant information, Paul empowers customers to become the heroes in their own journey.